Classic Game Review- Night Mission
NIGHT MISSION (NM), Sub Logic’s expansion to the video pinball frenzy, assembles the best elements of the best pinball games for the Apple. It has the smooth ball liveliness of Budgeco RASTER BLASTER (RB), with the mind boggling machine plan of
DAVID’S MIDNIGHT MAGIC (DMM) by Broderbund, and a bigger number of elements than the other two joined. NM’s designs are unimaginably smooth, particularly taking into account the massively high ball speeds, DMM, then again, tends to slide the ball into a way when it shouldn’t, or bob it out before it ought to. While NM and RB don’t have these issues, RB doesn’t have close to too planned a machine as one or the other NM or DMM, making NM a solid competitor for the best of Apple pinball games.